Saturday, August 7, 2010

I need interesting law cases to write paper on!?

So far, I've looked at Brown vs. Board of Ed., Schenck V US, Lochner V NY, Gideon v WainwrightI need interesting law cases to write paper on!?
Try the Palsgraf case. Palsgraf v. Long Island Railroad Co., 162 N.E. 99 (N.Y. 1928). Dude with newspaper-wrapped parcel was running to catch the train and a railroad employee lent him a hand. In so doing the employee accidentally knocked the parcel to the ground. KABOOM!! Turned out there were fireworks in the parcel. The whole station started shaking for a few seconds. No harm no foul right? Wrong! The shaking caused by the explosion caused heavy metal scales, at the opposite end of the station, to topple. Right onto a little old lady called Mrs. Palsgraf. Well the old bird decided to sue. Couldn't find the passenger, who was long gone, and probably didn't have a dime. So she sued the railroad for negligence. Who won? Read the case.I need interesting law cases to write paper on!?
One that always bugged me was the guy who was trying to break into a place and he fell through a faulty skylight on the roof. The owner of the building lost in court when sued for damages to the guy who was trying to break in. he had to pay for medical and for damages - big money as guy became quadriplegic. I felt that he incurred injury in performance of a felony and should have been responsible for his own damages. The owner was found to be negligent as the skylight was faulty and he did not repair it. I felt had the burglar not been on the roof trying to get in he would not have been injured.

Yet this became law. The owner was responsible. it is a travesty as far as I'm concerned.

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