Saturday, August 7, 2010

Jewish law cases that changed America?

What is a law suit involving Jewish people that may have changed America in some way?


What is a Law case involving death that may have been controversial and changed America?Jewish law cases that changed America?
Probably one of the most profound was the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in the early 1900's. It was a sweatshop employing mostly Jewish young women, that locked all their doors shut to prevent the workers from taking breaks. When a fire broke out, the women had no way to escape and many died horribly. It was a real tragedy. The resultant prosecution and civil lawsuits led to the passage of many workplace-safety laws and other protections for workers that we take for granted in America today.Jewish law cases that changed America?
I'm frankly appalled at the ignorance in the first two answers. And to correct them: no Jews have ever 'lynched' anyone!Perhaps the answerer would care to provide a link...? No? Quelle surprise.

And to correct what the second answer said: Jews make up less than 2% of the American populace. It would be frankly physically *impossible* for there to be a Jew ' in every' legal case. The notion is absurd.

To the asker: is this an assignment? If not, what makes you think that there is ANY lawsuit involving Jews that have changed America? I'm just asking out of interest :)
Just about every single civil rights law suit involves Jews in some way or another. Either the law firm, the judge, or some expert witness.
they lynched that guy in atlanta

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