Saturday, August 7, 2010

Why do so few law cases follow the formal system and why are most cases settled informally?

Because if the powers that be had to actually bring ever case to Trial; they know that they would not be able to cope with the amount of bogus arrests. Thus they would lose money and power over others. Hence they trick you into ';making it easy on yourself';, while the factual truth is that each and every single person that takes the deal is helping ensure that the collection agencies that are called courts; and the enforcers that are called police and prosecutors can do more and more people dirty.Why do so few law cases follow the formal system and why are most cases settled informally?
Just to try to free up the system a little bit and make room for all the cases that canno be settled informally. If every single case had to wind it's way through the entire system - it would be so bogged down that it would probably grind to a halt.

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